
Boosting efficiency across the board for award-winning housing association, Livin.

12,000+ people hours saved

30% decrease in time taken to re-let properties

Upwards of £1.1m total benefit delivered, a 581% ROI

30% increase in digital applications


UX Design
Product Development
CMS Build




United Kingdom


NFP Housing

The Challenge

Livin is an award-winning, not for profit housing association managing more than 8,400 homes across County Durham.

They improve the lives of their tenants, offering high quality, efficient and adaptable homes that meet people’s current needs and future aspirations. But the online experience they provided for both existing and potential tenants didn’t match their high standards. So Livin approached TQ with the goal of transforming their services from end-to-end.

The Livin team knew their website didn’t do what tenants needed it to. When customers couldn’t find what they wanted online they called the call centre or simply gave up in frustration. Livin needed to make it easier for customers to find and complete the most common actions onsite themselves.

The creation of online self-service systems would enable people to find the right homes easily. This would vastly improve customer experience, whilst reducing calls to the call centre, and as a result would save tenants and Livin time and effort, and reduce costs for Livin.

The Solution

We worked with Livin in a close-knit partnership to map out exactly what it was that would support them in achieve their business goals. Delighting Livin’s tenants was the clear priority at every stage of the project.

Our discovery process, which involved in-depth user research and customer journey mapping, established what Livin’s users required from the site. Once we had this information, we moved on to the existing website's performance, analysing every little detail. Happy that we had all the information we needed, we moved on to the design stage.

A perfect blend of User Experience (UX) and Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) expertise, with re-designed wireframes and an easy-to-use content management system created a completely revamped digital approach for Livin.

But we didn't stop there. We provided a content process, workflow, and audit trail, training the Livin team in the process so their new digital infrastructure could be used to its full potential. And finally, we managed the migration from their old site to their new one, handling over 300 redirects in the process.

So, did we manage to delight Livin’s tenants with this new digital approach? Absolutely.

The Result

The work done alongside the Livin team has delivered some exceptional time and cost savings, unlocked new revenue streams, and vastly improved the digital experience they provide their tenants.

The content approval process has reduced from 3 hours to just 15 minutes, as leaders across the business can now sign off content with a single click. This new process has been used over 4,500 times at the time of writing, equalling a huge 12,375-hours saved.

Website performance improvements married with superb tactical online activity generates £100,000 in additional revenue every year for Livin.

Through clever and elegant Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) work, we improved search rankings for Livin’s properties by an average of 20 places. This means it’s much easier for potential customers to find their properties.

Add in a 35% increase in online tenant registration and a 30% boost in property applications via the website and the total time it takes to re-let has reduced by 30%. This increased ability for people to self-serve online has also reduced demand on the call centre and drives further cost reductions and time savings.  

In summary, when all the performance improvements are considered over the lifetime of the project, Livin will deliver well over £1,100,000 of total benefit, equating to an ROI of 581%.But, most importantly, they will be better serving existing and potential tenants through a continually improving, more valuable, and inclusive digital experience.

A Better World

Our clients are all very different; different industries, different challenges and different goals. They do however, share a common belief: That it's everyone's responsibility to help make the world better. Here's how Livin are doing just that.

Livin have a dedication to their residents, but also to the environment. As part of their Planet A strategy, they are creating environmentally sustainable futures for generations to come. Through our work, they were able to save over 12000 people hours. This huge reduction has allowed them to invest £2million back into the front line of affordable housing.

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